I do not seek anything more than the purely sentimental satisfaction that looking at a picture gives me.
1869 - 1954
Born in Le Cateau-Cambrsis (French: Le Cateau-Cambrsis), Nord, France, the eldest son of a wealthy grain merchant.
He entered Beaux-Arts and formed a lifelong friendship with Georges Rouault, under the tutelage of Moreau, and exhibited four paintings at the Salon des Beaux-Arts Nationales in 1896, one of which was purchased by the State.
He produced a series of works characterized by bold colors, and together with Maurice de Vlaminck and Andr Derain, he came to be known as the Fauvisme. However, he was active as a Fauvisme only for about three years from 1905, after which he began to paint relatively quiet and comfortable works.
His abstract and constructive tendencies with geometric compositions can be seen, reflecting the influence of Cubism and the severe introspective feelings caused by the First World War.
From 1917 to 1930, he worked mainly in Nice in the south of France. During this period, he produced open-ended works, including the graceful and sensual Odalisque. Matisse"s activities during this period are classified as the "Nice Period.
His pursuit of purity of color led him to paper cutouts, and he left many paper cutout works, including the "Jazz" series.
1869年- 1954年
フランス・ノール県のル・カトー=カンブレジ (フランス語 Le Cateau-Cambrsis) に、豊かな穀物商人の長男として生まれる。
Henri Matisse.
I do not seek anything more than the purely sentimental satisfaction that looking at a picture gives me.
1869 - 1954
Born in Le Cateau-Cambrsis (French: Le Cateau-Cambrsis), Nord, France, the eldest son of a wealthy grain merchant.
He entered Beaux-Arts and formed a lifelong friendship with Georges Rouault, under the tutelage of Moreau, and exhibited four paintings at the Salon des Beaux-Arts Nationales in 1896, one of which was purchased by the State.
He produced a series of works characterized by bold colors, and together with Maurice de Vlaminck and Andr Derain, he came to be known as the Fauvisme. However, he was active as a Fauvisme only for about three years from 1905, after which he began to paint relatively quiet and comfortable works.
His abstract and constructive tendencies with geometric compositions can be seen, reflecting the influence of Cubism and the severe introspective feelings caused by the First World War.
From 1917 to 1930, he worked mainly in Nice in the south of France. During this period, he produced open-ended works, including the graceful and sensual Odalisque. Matisse"s activities during this period are classified as the "Nice Period.
His pursuit of purity of color led him to paper cutouts, and he left many paper cutout works, including the "Jazz" series.
Henri Matisse.
出生于法国北部的勒托-坎布雷西(法Le Cateau-Cambrsis),是一个富有的谷物商人的子。
他作了一系列以大胆用色特征的作品,并与莫里斯-德-弗拉明克和安德烈-德一起,被称野派。 然而,从1905年起,他作野派活的只有三年左右,之后他始画一些相安静和舒的作品。
1917至1930年,他主要在法国南部的尼斯工作。 在一期,他作了放性的作品,包括雅和感性的odalisques。 蒂斯在个期的活被 "尼斯期"。
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Amazon.co.jp: アンリ・マティス-Luxe,calme et volupté キャンバス絵画 インテリア おしゃれ,インテリア おしゃれ, アートポスター,油絵,壁飾り,オシャレ インテリア,ウォールアート(80x96cm31x38in,額無し) : ホーム&キッチン
2024年最新】Yahoo!オークション -アンリ マチスの中古品・新品・未使用品一覧
エルメス スカーフlanache fantaisie 小物
エルメス スカーフlanache fantaisie 小物
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絵画 アンリ・マティス Interior in Yellow and Blue,1946-NA リビング 玄関 廊下 シンプル 壁飾り 額付き アートフレーム ギフト プレゼント アート - 絵画や壁掛け販売|日本唯一の風景専門店(R)あゆわら
Henri Matisse アンリ マティス名画の数々ポスター『金魚』 キャンバス ポスター 印刷 壁アート 油彩画
楽天市場】アートフレーム Henri Matisse Interior in Yellow and Blue 1946-NA アンリ・マティス 絵画 絵 壁掛け 壁飾り抽象画 アートポスター 黄色 イエロー 305×380mm インテリア おしゃれ フレーム付き 額縁 額入り モダン アート 色彩 スタイリッシュ : プリズム
Amazon.co.jp: Henri Matisse アンリ・マティスle Bonheur De Vivre The Joy of Life 芸術パネル 絵画 ポスター キャンバス 壁アート プリント芸術作品 インテリア20x30inch(50x75cm) : ホーム&キッチン
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