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数か月前に約90000円で新品購入しました。ケースに入れていたので状態は綺麗です。単3充電池2本で動作します。スイッチを入れると今設定したホメオパシーの信号が製品から発せられます。製品の詳しい説明はhttps://ascension-support-tools.com/resonance-key-plasma.aspx です。ホームページから様々な信号に変えられます。https://remedy-central.com/購入された方にはホームページのライセンスキーなどを送ります。下記の信号をホームページから変えられます。1度に選択できる信号は1つです。
4 密度テンプレート ソースへの接続 現在の課題を受け入れる エナジーブースト 瞑想
自己啓発 ボディ システムのサポートを提供する数式のバッチをさらに追加しました。
副腎 骨と骨格系 コロナウイルスサポート ** (下記参照) 目 心臓 肝臓 筋肉系 月経前
肌 お腹 アレルギーと花粉症 脳 一般的な寄生虫を排除する 胆嚢 イミューンプラス 肺 神経系 生殖器系
睡眠サポート 泌尿器系 不安とストレス 心臓血管(完全なシステム) 感情のバランス 接地 腎臓 リンパ系 膵臓
呼吸器(全身) 脾臓ゆうパック60サイズかレターパックプラスで送ります。  

安い レゾナンスキープラズマ ホメオパシー
安い レゾナンスキープラズマ ホメオパシー

Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic  Review and Bibliometric Analysis—Part 2 | The Journal of Alternative and  Complementary Medicine
Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis—Part 2 | The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Crohn's disease | Nature Reviews Disease Primers
Crohn's disease | Nature Reviews Disease Primers

Applications of Phyto-Nanotechnology for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative  Disorders
Applications of Phyto-Nanotechnology for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders

Arctium lappa (Burdock): Insights from ethnopharmacology potential,  chemical constituents, clinical studies, pharmacological utility and  nanomedicine - ScienceDirect
Arctium lappa (Burdock): Insights from ethnopharmacology potential, chemical constituents, clinical studies, pharmacological utility and nanomedicine - ScienceDirect

Ayurvedic herbal formulations Haridra Khanda and Manjisthadi Kwath (brihat)  in the management of allergic rhinitis: A pharmacological study: Heliyon
Ayurvedic herbal formulations Haridra Khanda and Manjisthadi Kwath (brihat) in the management of allergic rhinitis: A pharmacological study: Heliyon

Potentially toxic elements in the brains of people with multiple sclerosis  | Scientific Reports
Potentially toxic elements in the brains of people with multiple sclerosis | Scientific Reports

Micro-nano bubble water technology: Sustainable solution for the  postharvest quality and safety management of fresh fruits and vegetables –  A review - ScienceDirect
Micro-nano bubble water technology: Sustainable solution for the postharvest quality and safety management of fresh fruits and vegetables – A review - ScienceDirect

Potassium Chloroaurate-Mediated In Vitro Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles  Improved Root Growth by Crosstalk with Sucrose and Nutrient-Dependent Auxin  Homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Potassium Chloroaurate-Mediated In Vitro Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Improved Root Growth by Crosstalk with Sucrose and Nutrient-Dependent Auxin Homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

Nanoparticle - Wikipedia
Nanoparticle - Wikipedia

The Antiproliferative and Apoptosis-Inducing Effects of the Red Macroalgae  Gelidium latifolium Extract against Melanoma Cells
The Antiproliferative and Apoptosis-Inducing Effects of the Red Macroalgae Gelidium latifolium Extract against Melanoma Cells

Understanding and Treating Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
Understanding and Treating Retrocalcaneal Bursitis

Neurexan Prescription Is Associated with Lower Risk of Sleep Disorder  Recurrence and Depression Prevalence as Compared to Z-Drugs and  Benzodiazepines: A Retrospective Database Analysis in Germany
Neurexan Prescription Is Associated with Lower Risk of Sleep Disorder Recurrence and Depression Prevalence as Compared to Z-Drugs and Benzodiazepines: A Retrospective Database Analysis in Germany

Offering homeopathy waters down University of Toronto's reputation, critics  claim | Times Higher Education (THE)
Offering homeopathy waters down University of Toronto's reputation, critics claim | Times Higher Education (THE)

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配送 ハロウィン リリカ ルルカ マルコス

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